The Top 8 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top 10 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me. At first I wasn’t planning to do this week’s topic, one because nothing was initially coming to mind, and two because I try so hard to be content with what I have and where I am in life, but then I started to think on it some and decided to go for it and came up with 8. This week’s list is in no particular order.

If I could I would wish for…

1. An awesome space to store my books.


I mean, what book lover doesn’t want this?

2. The ability to read books a little faster.

I don’t want lightning speed reading ability… I think there’s something special about taking some time to savor what you read, but I wish I could maybe up my reading count a bit without necessarily devoting more time to read (not that I don’t want to read more, but life is busy!).

3. That I can write and publish books that will resonate with people.

It’s not a secret that I want a career as an author. I hope one day to share multiple stories, and I want them all to mean something to someone.

4. That I could stop losing bookmarks.

I have a serious problem with losing bookmarks. I would like for this to stop!

5. More books in the For Darkness Shows the Stars world.


Diana Peterfreund’s For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star-Swept Sea features one of my favorite fictional worlds ever with its exploration of genetic engineering and its consequences, and I want more! With two books it just doesn’t feel complete! Maybe she could do a Little Women retelling next? There are so many possibilities!

6. To meet Marissa Meyer.

I am thinking this will surely happen one day, but I just want to ensure it! She’s one of my favorite authors and I want to get all the books signed by her and just tell her how much I love her characters!

7. To have the full experience at Universal Studios’ Harry Potter World… for free!



This is definitely a trip my husband and I want to take someday, but it’s not cheap, especially if you want to do it and Disney World in the same go! I would love to be able to take this trip without fear of the money spent.

8. To see a book I write get made into a movie.

I’m sure there are downsides to this, but it’s something I’ve always wanted and would love to see happen! I would try to write into my contract that I get to be a co-producer or something for any possible films.

What are your bookish wishes?

14 thoughts on “The Top 8 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me

  1. I hope you get to meet Marissa Meyer in the future! She is awesome! And yes to HP World (obviously for free). I would expand on that wish and just say I want Hogwarts to be real real, with classes I can attend 🙂

  2. i definitely want the Wizarding World of Harry Potter experience, and I love that beautiful home library picture you found! I have the opposite problem with bookmarks — I have too many! You can have some of mine. 😉 (I did actually get some pretty sweet Harry Potter bookmarks from the library where I work that you would probably love!)

  3. Harry Potter World was well worth it. We went before a work trip, so my flight and our hotel was free. Otherwise we likely would not have made it down there. And now I am checking out For Darkness Shows the Stars. It sounds awesome!

  4. #6 – that’s me and Leigh Bardugo 🙂

    Harry Potter World – yes!! and totally for free. all day with barely anyone else there.

    But I think most of all, yes, writing books that resonate with people. I would love that. And it seems like then making it into a movie would be the natural outcome of that 😉

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