Top 10 Beach Bag Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books That Should Be In Your Beach Bag or Ten Books That Will Be In My Beach Bag This Summer.

Well, I just came back from the beach not too long ago (sad), and since I live in a landlocked state (more sad) there isn’t much opportunity for me to go back again this summer. So first I’ll share what I did take with me to the beach (and enjoyed!), what I would take if I was so fortunate to go again later this summer (after I acquired said books), and books I’ve read that you might enjoy reading when you hit the beach.


Bag source: Scout

The 5th Wave: Thankfully there was no sign of an alien apocalypse on my vacation, so it was a fascinating world to delve into while I relaxed.

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight: A light contemporary read that made for a fun, fast read by the water.

Shadow and Bone: Something about immersing myself into this new world while in a place far from home I think made this read even more mesmerizing.

The Scarlet Pimpernel: I bought this one while on vacation and started on it. Unfortunately, the book didn’t pick up for me until after I got back home, but it has some fun moments!


Bag source: Life is Good

Split Second: I STILL need to read this follow-up to Pivot Point, and needing a book for the beach seems like just a good a reason as any.

Siege and Storm: Can I go back to Florida to continue the Grisha trilogy, please?

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet: Coming June 24, how can the book adaptation of our favorite web series that was a retelling of one of our favorite love stories not be a perfect beach read?


Bag source: Stuffosaurus

The Scorpio Races: This book takes place on an island with a much more deadly beach than what you are likely to encounter. So while you read about this mystical place, you can be glad that you’re not there and delve into the fascinating culture of Thisby Island.

Across a Star-Swept Sea: I know I talk about this book a lot (and spoiler alert – it’ll be back for next week’s TTT again), but when I read this book in December/January, the descriptions of the tropical island setting really left me aching for warmth and beachiness!

Rebecca: So there isn’t really anything about the beach here, though there is water, but this is a great, suspenseful classic that you will leave you on the edge of your beach chair. And personally, I like some intrigue in my beach reads since I can gobble down the pages with hours to read at my disposal.

What would you pack in your beach bag this summer?

21 thoughts on “Top 10 Beach Bag Books

  1. I love the bags!
    I can’t believe there is a book adaptation of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries coming out! I am so excited now! I clearly need it for my bag!
    I read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight over our Christmas season travels and it is an excellent light contemporary read that would travel well!
    I haven’t read Rebecca, but based on your description and my shared perspective in beach reads, I kind of want to check it out.

  2. Oooh I forgot about Across a Star-Swept Sea for my Summer Beach Bag TTT! It’s on my TBR list, and definitely seems like a good beachy read.

    And The Scorpio Races was so good!!! I loved the mystical nature of it and the mystery of the sea horses and where they came from.

  3. Living in a landlocked state myself, I feel your pain. It’s more painful for me because I used to live in a ocean-bordering state. Hopefully I get to see the ocean this year…and I hope you get to again before the end of the season!
    I still need to read Split Second myself. And I love that you mention two classics here – I love Rebecca and I’ve been meaning to read The Scarlet Pimpernel for a while now. I refuse to read Across a Star-Swept Sea until I do, actually. 🙂

    • Well me going to the beach again this year is highly unlikely, but who knows, sometimes crazy things happen! I’ve never lived in a state bordering the ocean, but I used to live in Texas close to Galveston, and while the beach there is nasty, I liked being near the water.

      You definitely need to read The Scarlet Pimpernel if it’s standing between you and Across a Star-Swept Sea! TSP is great, and AaSSS is amazing!

  4. Brilliant list and I loved how you split it up. I really want to read The Scorpio Races as it sounds so intriguing and I keep seeing such great reviews for that one. I also really need to hurry up and read Shadow & Bone, that seems like the kind of series I can fall in love with. Brilliant picks 🙂

  5. There are a few books on your list that I’ve read and loved but honestly, I can’t see past The 5th Wave & Shadow and Bone ❤ both those books were so much better than I expected and have become a favourite of mine

    Can't wait to see what you think of them. 🙂

    Great list.
    My TTT

    • I read both of those when I went to the beach and really enjoyed them! I already reviewed The 5th Wave and my review of Shadow and Bone is about to go up!

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