Round-Up: Suzanne Collins, Justice League?, and Captain Kirk

Suzanne Collins

Good news for Hunger Games fans! Suzanne Collins is going to start writing another young adult series! Hooray! We don’t know what’s is about, but if these characters are as engrossing as those in The Hunger Games, it hardly matters. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what she has to offer us next!


Justice League?

Though my favorite superhero is Batman, I have been really enjoying Marvel’s offering of The Avengers and the various movies for their characters. Justice League? Eh, I mean, it might be good, but I hard time imagining that I would like it as The Avengers. But let’s face it, if you attach Christoper Nolan’s name to it, my interest level will increase by 1000%. Many have wondered if Christopher Nolan would be involved with a Justice League movie should one be made, and/or if Zack Snyder (the director for the upcoming Man of Steel movie) would be involved. And all these questions have been answered! OK, not really, but they both did comment on the matter. And they were both nice and vague about it, saying basically, “Mmmm… maybe…” I won’t even know how much I care until I see Man of Steel and see if I enjoy Zack Snyder’s incarnation of Superman (since I’ve never been interested in Superman before). And then there’s the matter of Batman. Joseph Gordon-Levitt please. Or Christian Bale. But no one else would be right, not now, not so soon after The Dark Knight Trilogy. What are your thoughts on a possible Justice League movie?

MAN OF STEELNew Kirks Judged by Old Khans

This is an interesting article that compares Star Trek Into Darkness with original Star Trek films, as well as Abrams’ Kirk with the original. Does J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek betray what Star Trek stands for? Believe it or not, similar questions were asked about the second original Star Trek film over 20 years ago. And how is new Kirk learning lessons versus how old Kirk learned his lessons? If you read the article, let me know your thoughts on it!

kirkx2In other news, I finally finished The Book Thief. It is, without a doubt, the most heart-breaking fiction story I have ever read, but so amazing at the same time. The way it is written is beautiful, and just… wow. I don’t know what else to say. I’ll just save it for the review, which I hope to post later this week. My books from Amazon are supposed to come in later this week (finally… I think their shipping has gotten slower… and one of the books is the aforementioned The Book Thief now that I finished my library e-book of it… oops…), so I’m not quite sure what I am reading next yet until then.

Any book or movie news/points of interest been on your radar lately?

17 thoughts on “Round-Up: Suzanne Collins, Justice League?, and Captain Kirk

  1. I actually didn’t know about any of this! I am definitely intrigued by what new YA books Suzanne Collins could offer up. Too bad we don’t know anything more (but maybe that’s a good thing, since we’ll have a while to wait before anything gets close to published to begin with).

    I’m not quite sure about the Justice League. I definitely have enjoyed The Avengers and thought they did a good job with it, but the Justice League? I’m not sure. And yeah, the Batman thing would be slightly tricky. I would assume they would try and get Christian Bale again since he’s the last Batman, but who knows?

    I didn’t read the Star Trek article, but only because I never watched the old ones and only saw the first movie. Hopefully someone else more knowledgeable can talk to you about that one πŸ˜‰

    And yay The Book Thief! Definitely heart-wrenching, but such a great read. I look forward to reading your review of it later this week!

    • That is true, it will be a while before we see Collins’ new series published. Sigh.

      Christian Bale went on record a while ago saying he would not do Batman again after The Dark Knight Rises, but I think later he ended up saying he would consider it if Nolan was still involved, so we would have to see. They did set it up nicely for JGL to take over; I just don’t want another Batman reboot with someone else now just for Justice League.

    • What’s worse is that they have a distribution center in my town. I know they don’t carry everything there, but anything they did I would be willing to go pick up if I had the option!

  2. Woot! So excited to hear about Suzanne Collins! πŸ˜€ Thank you for sharing! I’m not super into any of the superhero movies these days, so I don’t really have an opinion on that, but I agree with you on the whole batman issue – Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Christian Bale, definitely!

    I never read the Book Thief. A lot of times I avoid heart-wrenching stories, but I keep hearing such good things about it. Maybe I should stop being a reading wuss and check it out. πŸ˜‰

    • Yes, definitely excited about Suzanne Collins!

      My review for The Book Thief should be up on Friday where I’ll go into more detail, so maybe that will help you decide for sure if you want to. There is a little bit of hope in the epilogue, so it wasn’t a complete downer of an ending.

  3. Yay for another Collins book! But a bit meh for Justice League. I mean I used to watch the cartoon when I was a kid, but the only one I actually liked was Batman. I’ve never cared about Superman much either. It might be good though, so I won’t cast any judgement yet.

    About the Star Trek article though, I think it’s really spot on. As someone who’s watched all the original series and all the original movies I totally agree with Lawson’s comparison of Shatner’s Kirk with Pine’s Kirk. In the end they are different people with different backgrounds and the confrontation with Khan taught both of them different things. I can’t wait to see where the story will be taken and how they’ll handle the Klingons and other things we saw in the original series.

    Also, I love your posts that are not necessarily book related! (Especially because you usually talk about movies I love, but still, they’re brilliant!) Can’t wait to see what you thought of The Book Thief, since I fell in love with it and it broke my heart into tiny little pieces.

    • Thanks! To be honest, I’m not very well-read, but last year I decided to start making a better effort reading (especially since I want to be a writer!) and have continued that effort this year. So part of the reason why I talk about more than books is because I need to for content, ha ha… but also because I wanted to talk about stories of all kinds! I have loved movies for a long time and studied media production in college so it’s something I love to share with others.

  4. That article was quite interesting. I think that it is pretty true. In Into Darkness you’re looking at a Kirk who is a bit over 20 years younger than the one in Wrath Of Khan. It really is interesting to think about them being the same cocky guy, but with slightly different backgrounds, and at completely different places in their development. I felt like in this movie I saw a lot more of the confident, commanding Jim Kirk, and honestly, a little bit more of the positive aspects of Bill Shatner’s portrayal.

    Good times.

  5. I am so excited about a new Collins books!
    And I agree, it is too soon to introduce a new Batman – BatBale forever!
    Personally, having watched the original Star trek series, and being a fan of both it and the new movies, I think that the Abrams adaptations do do the original series justice! (I have no idea if that sentence makes any sense to anyone but me – sorry!)

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